Published August 15, 2024
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Perseid meteor shower above the Winter’s Hill Estate Vineyard. Photo credit: Craig Markham
Shooting Stars, Good Friends & a Glass of Wine
Sometimes simple pleasures are the best. Saturday night Delphine & I, along with our children and our good friends the Gonzalez, watched the Perseid meteor shower from the vineyard. We are blessed with relatively dark skies over the vineyard. So, as the moon went down over the coast range, the night sky glowed. We enjoyed seeing the streaks and light flashes which appeared as the meteorites burned up in Earth’s atmosphere.
My parents Peter & Emily, with their friends the Markhams, also enjoyed the show on Sunday night. They were treated to the Northern Lights along with the Perseid meteorites. Craig got some great pictures which he has posted to his website.
A Stellar Suggestion
If you are curious about wine pairing with stargazing, I recommend Rosé in the early evening, changing to bigger reds as the night goes on. We especially enjoyed a bottle of Cabernet Franc from British Colombia, you’ll be hearing more from us about that region in the coming weeks. 😀
Did You Know?
Oregon happens to have the largest Dark Sky Sanctuary in the world! A visit to the area is described as “an immersive experience that brings you face-to-face with the universe”. Definitely worth a visit! And you can learn how to protect the dark sky in your neighborhood with information from