Published May 16, 2024

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The Dundee Hills are bursting into bloom, and the winery is surrounded by red, yellow, orange, pink and white flowers. The flowers are beautiful, and they are critical habitat for hundreds of species of bees, butterflies, and other wildlife.

The Oregon Bee Project at Winter's Hill EstateObserve the Bees on a Bee Friendly Tour

Emily Gladhart preparing for the May 18th Oregon Bee Project Tour at Winter’s Hill Estate
Join Emily this Saturday for a tasting and guided tour to see bees amongst the flowers, around the vines, and in the Oak Savannah.

This walk is part of the Oregon Bee Project, a statewide effort to connect farmers, scientists, and citizens to protect and conserve wild bees. Saturday tour times are 11am and 2pm.

Sturdy shoes are recommended for this 1/2-mile stroll. Wine will be poured at multiple stations throughout the tour! Reservations ►

Are you curious about bees?

Do you want to learn more about helping bees and other invertebrates? Xerces is the largest invertebrate conservation organization in the world, and they’re based right here in Oregon. Connect with them to learn how you can provide critical habitat on your patio or in your neighborhood.