Published July 3, 2024

This story first appeared in our subscriber email. View previous campaigns and join the list!

For the past eight weeks, our Vineyard Manager Luciano and his team have been hustling to keep up with the rapid vine growth. With warm weather and plenty of moisture in the soil, sometimes it felt like you could actually see the plants growing!

Protecting the Fruit & the Team

Because good air circulation and sun exposure are critical to healthy fruit we’ve been removing some of the leaves around the clusters. Too much exposure can lead to sunburn, so we remove about 60% of the leaves on the “morning” side of the vine. That way the clusters see the sun in the morning, but are shaded from the afternoon heat.

We also need to protect our team from the afternoon heat. The work starts early in the morning this time of year, so we can have our team out of the vineyard by early afternoon.

Enjoy the Holiday

We’ll be closed Thursday, July 4th – please celebrate safely! Summer tastings resume on July 5th and are available every day between 11:00am – 4:00pm.

A Summer Recipe

This week’s recipe is Crab Stuffed Avocados – a perfect pairing with our Rosé!